RightNow Media is a streaming Bible Study Video Library with resources for adults, teens, and kids. Sign up for free to access over 14,000 high-quality, online Bible Study videos.

Prayer FORCE
In need of Prayer?
Send us your prayer needs and our team will pray for you.
Send us your prayer needs and our team will pray for you.

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You can listen to messages on the go, and stay connected with upcoming events and receive notification to stay up to date on what's happening here at Legacy.
You can listen to messages on the go, and stay connected with upcoming events and receive notification to stay up to date on what's happening here at Legacy.

Carpenters care
If you are a widow or single mom in need, and are part of the Legacy family, we want to help you with minor repairs and odd jobs.

Basics of Discipleship Book
We put together this book as a resource to you, to go over as the title suggest, the basics of discipleship, for you to go over by yourself, or with somebody.

Legacy Weekly Bulletin
Sign up for our weekly bulletin and be the first to know about exciting events and happenings around the church.